
04/08/2016, 17:09 Time
Jose A. Martin

Spanish Socialists, outraged by the extreme left populist

Accuse they of not wanting an agreement

USPA NEWS - The Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE its acronym in Spanish) reacted Friday with "indignation" at the pres...

04/08/2016, 13:17 Time
Jose A. Martin

Spanish extreme left considers impossible a leftist Government

After the rejection of their proposals

USPA NEWS - Every day that passes, Spain takes another step towards repeat elections on June 26. After the meeting held on ...

04/07/2016, 16:27 Time
Jose A. Martin

The Catalan Parliament passes a motion of breaking with Spain

Based on November 9, 2015

USPA NEWS - The regional Parliament of Catalonia (Northeastern Spain) approved Thursday by 71 votes in favor and 52 against...

04/07/2016, 14:46 Time
Jose A. Martin

This country we have gone ahead the Spaniards and the Popular Party

Vice president of the Spanish Government

USPA NEWS - The acting vice president of the Spanish Government, Soraya Saenz de Santamaria, claimed Thursday before the le...

04/06/2016, 18:14 Time
Jose A. Martin

Spanish Parliament denounced the Government for failing to submit to its control

After an appearance of Rajoy

USPA NEWS - The Spanish Parliament approved on Wednesday by 218 votes in favor, 113 against and 4 abstentions, the proposal...

04/06/2016, 14:47 Time
Jose A. Martin

Commission presents options for reforming the Common European Asylum System

And developing safe and legal pathways

USPA NEWS - The European Commission is launching the process for a reform of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS), pres...

04/06/2016, 14:07 Time
Jose A. Martin

Stronger and Smarter Borders in the EU

EC proposes to establish an new System

USPA NEWS - The European Commission is presenting its revised proposal for a Regulation on the establishment of an Entry-Ex...

03/31/2016, 16:05 Time
Jose A. Martin

Spain violates its deficit target

Although low at 5.18% of GDP

USPA NEWS - The deficit of all the Spanish Governments was reduced to 55,755 million Euros at the end of 2015, excluding fi...

03/31/2016, 11:21 Time
Jose A. Martin

EU to provide milk to 350,000 Syrian children

Humanitarian aid

USPA NEWS - European Commission adopted a 30 million Euros programme to provide 350,000 Syrian children with drinking milk,...

03/31/2016, 00:01 Time
Rahma Sophia RACHDI

Mauritius President Ameenah Gurib Fakim welcomed by President Hollande at Elysee

Praised for her efforts at the COP21

USPA NEWS - The Mauritian President was received today by President Hollande Elysee who, has congratulated for the efforts ...

03/30/2016, 16:01 Time
Jose A. Martin

The extreme and populist left lowers their demands to form Government

The socialist aspires to a new investitu

USPA NEWS - The Socialist Party and the extreme and populist left Podemos met Wednesday in Madrid to try an agreement that ...

03/30/2016, 14:30 Time

March 29, 2016 White House Obama And Kids at the Easter Egg Roll

US Gov

USPA NEWS - "DC time 10:00 am: The President and Vice President receive the Presidential Daily Briefing 12:00 pm: The...

03/30/2016, 01:38 Time
Aiham Alsammarae

Why Cruz and Trump, who represent us (GOP) are prejudice against minorities

Why Cruz and Trump

USPA NEWS - It is an irony and our dilemma of events coupled with unfortunate top Republican candidates, Messrs. Trump and ...

03/29/2016, 17:36 Time
Rahma Sophia RACHDI

President Hollande commemorates cease fire of the war in Algeria on March 19

Sober ceremony at the Quai Branly

USPA NEWS - The greatness of a country is to recognize past mistakes and make peace memories, is looking to the future. Tha...

03/27/2016, 19:29 Time
Jose A. Martin

Basque terrorist organization ETA admits to not having achieved its objectives

Five years of ceasefire

USPA NEWS - The Basque terrorist organization ETA issued Sunday a statement admitting that, five years after its declaratio...

03/26/2016, 12:29 Time
Jose A. Martin

Spain was identified as one of the terrorist suicide bombers in Brussels

A Spanish died in the attacks

USPA NEWS - The Spanish Police had "some information" that identified as jihadist course some of the terrorists who bombed ...

03/26/2016, 02:57 Time
Rahma Sophia RACHDI

French PM Manuel Valls gathers Muslim bodies in France for the 2nd edition

Priority is fight against radicalization

USPA NEWS - The instance of dialogue between the Muslim and French governments was again held March 21, 2016 for the second...

03/23/2016, 15:22 Time

March, 22 2016 : The White House Reactions on Brussels Attack

US Gov

USPA NEWS - "This morning, President Obama spoke with the Belgian Prime Minister and made a statement on this morning's hor...

03/23/2016, 00:59 Time
Rahma Sophia RACHDI

Marc Ayrault met today Ali Mahmoud Ali Youssouf his Djibouti counterpart

Discussed Fighting against Terrorism

USPA NEWS - Jean-Marc Ayrault, French Minister of Foreign Affairs, met today with Mr. Ali Mahmoud Ali Youssouf, his Djibou...

03/23/2016, 00:44 Time
Rahma Sophia RACHDI

Segolene Royal supports initiative of elected representatives of cities of Europ

About Pollutant Emission Diesel Vehicles

USPA NEWS - Segolene Royal supports the initiative of elected representatives of European cities to strengthen European reg...




Daren Frankish


Yasmina BEDDOU




Aurangzeb Akbar
